10% of all of our profits go back to our community partners. We are focused on supporting Original Peoples’ organizations and communities that are supporting land-based stewardship and custodial models to regenerate land, language and relationships.
some of our partners
The Wirikuta Preservation Project, Mexico
Donating and protecting the sacred lands of the Wixarika Nation by initiating preservation and educational projects through greenhouse and learning centers.
Jakon Rate, Peru
Associación Jakon Rate creates educational spaces and opportunities to practice, learn, and transmit the ancestral wisdom of the Shipibo-Konibo to future generations for the collective wellbeing of life in the Amazon Rainforest and beyond.
Lakota Small Farms, South Dakota
Lakota Small Farms is a multi-generational prayer to establish sustainable food sovereignty systems for native and non-native people alike by co-creating small scale regenerative farms and land practices in balance with the principles of eco-centric living.
Herring Protectors, Alaska
The Herring Protectors is a grassroots movement led by Indigenous women.
They use the original teachings of the Kiks.ádi women — ceremony and collective organizing — to stand up to unjust legacies of colonization and genocide that have led to the devastation of the yaaw (herring) across Southeast Alaska.
Pay The Rent, Australia
Australia is founded on land that was stolen from Indigenous people. The wealth that has been generated by that theft is disproportionately distributed. While governments and individuals have said Sorry to the Stolen Generations, they have taken no meaningful action towards making right, nor towards preventing further harm. Paying the Rent is a step towards acknowledging these facts and moving towards justice, truth, equality and liberation for First Nations people. This Collective is based on the lands of the Kulin Nation in Victoria, Australia.
Cheyenne River Youth Project, South Dakota
Founded in 1988, the Cheyenne River Youth Project is a grassroots, Native- and woman-led nonprofit organization dedicated to providing Lakota youth with access to a vibrant and more secure future. At the heart of their innovative, culturally relevant work is Wólakȟota, their people’s sacred way of life.
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